2008-05-13 18:51:00 UTC
Hi Everyone,
I was looking for info about that LG 380 cell phone (with MicroSD
compatible) and I wasnt able to find what I needed, until I look for
special stuff that I wanted to do.
So here is the explaination of everything I found about that phone
First, microsd. To make sure your microsd will work, shutdown your
phone, enter the microsd in it, and when you will power up it will
create the require folder for the phone (I know sometime it will work
without powering off and on the phone, but if you want to make sure,
just powercycle)
When the microsd is ready this is the folder you will see
(and maybe more, but those are the folder we need for this tutorial)
my_music is pretty simple, just add mp3 in that folder but don't
create any sub folder cause it will not recognize it (every mp3 should
be directly in my_music, you can always filter out the group and song
via the music&media utility on the phone)
my_picture and my_sound are identical, easy to work with (just add
your file in it)
my_video are a little more tricky, cause of the 3g2 extension, you
will need Windows Essentials Codec, it will make your pc compatible
viewing the 3g2 file (but I did not figured out how to set up the
sound when watching video that were taken by the phone itself, but any
other 3g2 that I created work great)
after you installed Windows Essentials, you can download free
converter here I used
Pazera Free Video to 3GP Converter to convert my AVI or MPEG to 3g2.
after that just put it on your microsd under my_video
Like I said bellow, just to make sure everything work like it should
(meaning that you will see all your mp3 and your video) you need to
power cycle your phone when entering the microsd (power off the phone,
enter the microsd, power back on)
I hope you will enjoye that phone like I do right now
PS: Ringtone, right now the only way I was able to put them on my
phone was with the usb data cable (I know there is free site that you
can upload your mp3 and it will convert in ringtone and you can
download it on your phone, but I don't have unlimited internet browing
on my phone and I dont really need ringtone.
I was looking for info about that LG 380 cell phone (with MicroSD
compatible) and I wasnt able to find what I needed, until I look for
special stuff that I wanted to do.
So here is the explaination of everything I found about that phone
First, microsd. To make sure your microsd will work, shutdown your
phone, enter the microsd in it, and when you will power up it will
create the require folder for the phone (I know sometime it will work
without powering off and on the phone, but if you want to make sure,
just powercycle)
When the microsd is ready this is the folder you will see
(and maybe more, but those are the folder we need for this tutorial)
my_music is pretty simple, just add mp3 in that folder but don't
create any sub folder cause it will not recognize it (every mp3 should
be directly in my_music, you can always filter out the group and song
via the music&media utility on the phone)
my_picture and my_sound are identical, easy to work with (just add
your file in it)
my_video are a little more tricky, cause of the 3g2 extension, you
will need Windows Essentials Codec, it will make your pc compatible
viewing the 3g2 file (but I did not figured out how to set up the
sound when watching video that were taken by the phone itself, but any
other 3g2 that I created work great)
after you installed Windows Essentials, you can download free
converter here I used
Pazera Free Video to 3GP Converter to convert my AVI or MPEG to 3g2.
after that just put it on your microsd under my_video
Like I said bellow, just to make sure everything work like it should
(meaning that you will see all your mp3 and your video) you need to
power cycle your phone when entering the microsd (power off the phone,
enter the microsd, power back on)
I hope you will enjoye that phone like I do right now
PS: Ringtone, right now the only way I was able to put them on my
phone was with the usb data cable (I know there is free site that you
can upload your mp3 and it will convert in ringtone and you can
download it on your phone, but I don't have unlimited internet browing
on my phone and I dont really need ringtone.